Why You Need a Daily Mental Checklist (+9 Questions to Ask)

Max Bernstein
3 min readFeb 3, 2023

My biggest regret that I have for my 20s in early 30s was letting life happen to me.

Sure, I had a lot of fun, made a ton of friends, and had some amazing relationships, but I always just figured things would work out.

I ended up working for someone else the entire time, letting those obligations dictate where I was going and what I was focused on.

It is easy to set your life on cruise control when that happens.


I got swept up in the momentum of what society thought I should be doing because that is what I was always told.

Show up at 9, and leave at 5. Get done what you needed to get done and check the political boxes that needed to be checked.

I would spend the entire week wishing away the days as they got closer to the weekend, then spend Sunday night, soaked in anxiety, thinking about the week ahead.

In November of 2021, I made the jump.

I quit a fantastic brand manager job in corporate America after 16+ years.

And while it has been anything but easy, it has been unbelievably rewarding. It has taught me more about myself and what I am here to do than the previous 16 years combined.

(For anyone looking to learn more about finding your “Life’s Task”, Mastery by Robert Greene is a MUST read).

Now, whether you are still at a job you don’t want to be at or have already made the jump and are still trying to figure it out, the most important thing you can do every day is have an awareness of where you are.​

Todd Henry of Accidental Creative gives a series of questions that can help you identify your current state and potential order-bringing next steps.​

  • Is my outer world in order? (Are my projects and surroundings ordered or in chaos?)
  • Do I have a clear grasp of what’s required of me today?
  • Are there any tasks that must be completed today, and how can I ensure that happens?Is anyone expecting something of me that I haven’t delivered?
  • Are my relationships in order?
  • Are there any open loops that need to be closed?
  • How do I feel today? Do I know why?
  • Are my thoughts in order, or do they feel chaotic? How can I find stillness?
  • How can I care for myself emotionally today?
  • How does my body feel?
  • How can I care for myself physically today?​

As Todd says:

Don’t just move through your life. Manage it.


P.S. P.S. I am putting the finishing touches on my new Hero Method. In 4 weeks, I will help you package your unique set of skills and create a High-Ticket Offer solving pain points for your customers in a way that only you can (aka eliminating the competition).​

Since this is beta, it will be 50% off what it normally costs and you will have double the amount of hands-on help that someone would normally get. If this sounds interesting, schedule a 15-minute, non-salesy call, and let’s see how I can help!​

15-Minute Intro Call



Max Bernstein

I am a full-time brand marketer with a passion for direct response and internet marketing.